
Jigsaw Rewards Gas Safety Scrutiny Meeting

Jigsaw Rewards Gas Safety Scrutiny Meeting

As a group, Jigsaw creates new and exciting opportunities for residents as part of our plan to help regenerate neighbourhoods and opportunities for our communities to thrive. We work together to shape our priorities through an active consultation process via Jigsaw Rewards Scrutiny panel.

Five residents from across the North West came together on 4th November, to share their views and agree the scope of a group-wide scrutiny exercise on Gas Safety.

The meeting, which took place via Zoom, gave scrutiny panel members the opportunity to decide which areas they would like the investigation to focus on.  The panel has agreed to look at the following key areas:

  • What is Jigsaw Homes Gas Safety procedure?
  • Compliancy
  • No Access/ Escalation procedure
  • Performance/ KPIs (Key Performance Indicators)

We will now gather evidence based on the detailed scope set out by the panel as well as conducting a Jigsaw Rewards survey as part of the process to find out the views of residents. The panel will meet again in January to go through these findings.

If you are a resident and would like register for Jigsaw Rewards please click here